University Summit in Kyushu 2007
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 27-28 October
Session 1(Part1): The "Science City" of the Future and the Environment

Mr. Toshiyasu NODA
Director, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (Fukuoka)


Outline of Tsukuba Science City


Tsukuba Science City was developed to accomplish two purposes.
Its primary purpose is to address the needs of the times for the promotion of science and technology and the enhancement of higher education. Its secondary purpose is to resolve the excessive concentration of population and industry in Tokyo.

2. Outline of Urban Development
The construction of Tsukuba Science City has been promoted with the aim of gbuilding a science city conducive to research and education and developing it into a garden city where natural environment and urban facilities are combined in a well-balanced and systematic manner.h

3. Current Situation
Since its construction commenced in 1963, 31 national research and educational institutes have been completed in Tsukuba Science City.
With respect to urban facilities, key infrastructures such as roads, rivers, waterworks and sewerage, development of which should precede any other facilities, have been completed.
Relocation and establishment of private-sector research institutes and related businesses have been progressing smoothly, with about 200 companies so far having commenced operation.
With the progress of urban development, population has increased from some 78,000 in October 1970 to about 201,000 in March 2006.

4. Future Challenges
The Third Science and Technology Basic Plan (concerning which the Cabinet decision was made in March 2006 with 3 challenges.
(1) Enhancing cooperation among and integration of various R&D activities
(2) Continuing providing human resources training and facility improvement
(3) Drawing up a long-term reconstruction plan