Prospective Students

Pre-admission Support Desk (PSD)

What is Pre-admission Support Desk?

If you are a graduate of a university outside Japan and wish to enroll at our graduate school, you must do one crucial thing before applying to that school. What is this crucial thing? It is to find a Kyushu University researcher who is willing to guide your study/ research. It is only then that you will be given permission to apply to the school.

The Pre-admission Support Desk (PSD) serves as your first point of contact, and helps you locate your potential supervisor.

Who is eligible to use PSD’s services?

It is not that all international students are eligible for PSD’s services. You must fulfill all these criteria to use PSD. You (i) have graduated or expect to graduate from a university outside Japan, and (ii) wish to enroll as a degree-seeking student or a non-degree research student (iii) at one of the graduate schools listed below.

Grad schools that require you to use PSD

  1. Graduate School of Humanities/ School of Letters (ONLY for those who wish to enroll as “Research Student”)
  2. Graduate School of Human-Environmental Studies
  3. Graduate School of Economics (ONLY for those who wish to enroll as “Research Student”)
  4. Graduate School of Mathematics
  5. Department of Health Sciences at the Graduate School of Medical Sciences
  6. Graduate School of Dental Science
  7. Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  8. Department of Library Science at the Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Science

  9. As a rule, the graduate schools listed below do not ask you to use PSD, but nonetheless SOME of their professors individually ask you to use PSD.
  10. Graduate School of Science
  11. Graduate School of Systems Life Sciences
  12. Graduate School of Engineering
  • Currently, the graduate schools other than those listed above do not require their applicants to use PSD. They expect their prospective applicants to find their potential supervisors on their own. If you are interested in these schools, we suggest that you get the latest admissions information (including how to find a supervisor) from their individual websites.
  • If you have already passed the first screening of the MEXT scholarship (the Embassy recommended), you will not have to go through the pre-admission procedure via PSD. Please write directly to the Student Affairs Section of the Graduate School you are applying to. They will tell you what to do.
    Their e-mail addresses can be found HERE.

Admissions information for other grad schools

Admissions to Graduate Schools

Degree Courses in English (international courses)

Pre-admission Support by PSD: A flowchart

How to use PSD’s services

  1. Go to the URL below to create your personal account and access the online pre-admission system run by PSD.

    Kyushu U Pre-admission Support System
  2. Read the “Guide to Pre-admission Support for International Students” carefully. This Guide will tell you more about how to navigate your way around PSD’s online services.

    Guide to Pre-admission Support for International Students

Statement of purpose forms

In entering information online, you will be asked to upload your statement of purpose.
Each graduate school has a different format. Make sure to use the right one.

Graduate School of Humanities/ School of Letter

Graduate School of Humanities/ School of Letters statement of Purpose form

Graduate School of Human-Environmental Studies

Human-Environmental Studies statement of purpose form

Graduate School of Economics

Economics statement of purpose form

Graduate School of Mathematics

Mathematics statement of purpose form

Department of Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Sciences

Health Sciences statement of purpose form

Graduate School of Dental Science

Dental Science statement of purpose form

Graduate School of Pharmacuetical Sciences

Pharmacuetical Sciences statement of purpose form

Department of Library Science, Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Science

Library Science statement of purpose form
(Japanese only)

If you are planning to apply to the following graduate schools, your potential supervisor may ask you to use PSD’s services. In that case, please use one of the formats below.

Graduate School of Science

Science statement of purpose form

Graduate School of Systems Life Sciences

SLS statement of purpose form

Graduate School of Engineering

Engineering statement of purpose form


  1. Making a request to use PSD is NOT the official application to the school of your interest.
  2. From the day we received your request to use PSD, it may take more than three weeks before you are given permission to apply officially to the school of your interest. Please plan wisely.
  3. Getting permission to get in touch with your potential supervisor does not mean that you have been given his/ her permission to apply to his/ her school. You must secure his/her consent by persuading him/her that your research is meaningful.
  4. If you have questions concerning admissions, curriculum details, etc., of the school of your interest, please contact the school directly. However, let PSD know in case there is not enough time before the application deadline for the school.
  5. Make sure that you yourself, and no one else, enter information on the pre-admission support system.


Please address your inquiries to:
Kyushu University Pre-admission Support Desk (PSD)
Email: pre-admission[at] ([at] should be changed to @)

N.B. The email address above is in use from November 1, 2022 onwards. Please send future email correspondence to this address. Thank you.