Other Events
Find out more events organized by Kyushu U below.
Kyusyu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies(Q-AOS)
Drawing upon Kyushu Universityʼs long history of performing research and educational activities in Asia and Oceania, with which we are deeply connected in terms of both history and proximity, we established the Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies in April of 2019 as the second of these Research and Education Institutes. With this institute, we are aiming to create a new academic field that will open the future by contributing to the resolution of social issues in Asian and Oceanian countries through both solutions to the problems of today and prediction of the issues expected to be faced tomorrow.
Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar Series
Kyushu University Asian and Oceania Studies (Q-AOS) is launching a new webinar series: The Q-AOS Brown Bag Seminar Series! In this webinar series, we will introduce participants to the myriad of exciting research activities at Kyushu University which are related to SDGs in Asia and Oceania.
The webinar is free, available in English and Japanese, and open to everyone!
We hope you all come and join us!
Details are below.
Webinar-1:The Circular Economy: From Academic to Practitioner and Back Again
Event FlyerContact
Kyushu University Q-AOS Administrative Office
TEL: +81-92-802-2603・2605
Email: aoevent@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp