Current Students

During Your Stay/ Daily Life

Daily Life in Fukuoka

On this page, you can checnk useful information and important things for international students of Kyushu University living in Fukuoka. We also feature guidance videos created by Q-Mate, a student support team composed of Kyushu University students, so feel free to check them out.
Firstly, we introduce guidebooks and websites that provide a wide range of information about daily life in Japan.


Through their Instagram and Website, they share helpful information for daily living and tips to enrich your student life at Kyushu University. Be sure to check them out!
Starting your student life in Fukuoka will require you to first acquire the essentials for daily living. Q-Mate has created a guide map for the “Kyudai Gakkentoshi Area”, located near the Ito Campus, providing access to various shopping spots and public facilities. Moreover, from Kyudai Gakkentoshi Station, you can directly access key areas of Fukuoka such as “Tenjin” and “Hakata Station”.

Guide Map of Kyudai Gakkentoshi

What is Q-Mate?
*It is filmed during New International Student Orientation that is held every year in spring and fall.

Useful Information

“Useful Infromation” is a booklet created by the International Student Exchange Division that lists useful websites for daily life in Fukuoka.

Useful Contents

“Useful Contents” is a compilation of guidance videos, handbooks, and other resources that are invaluable for international students living and studying in Fukuoka. We encourage you to make the most of these contents.

Please click on the image to access all the content.

Guidebook on Living and Working

This guidebook is produced by the Immigration Services Agency of Japan and contains information necessary for foreigners living in Japan to live safely and comfortably. It features illustrations and diagrams for easy understanding, so be sure to take a look.
Guidebook on Living and Working

Life in Fukuoka

‘Life in Fukuoka’ is a website run by the Fukuoka City Goverment. It provides information on consultation services for when you are in trouble, local information, lifestyle rules & manners, and more to help everyone living in Fukuoka City to live peacefully.
Life in Fukuoka

Fukuoka is Open
‘Fukuoka is Open’ is a website run by the Fukuoka Prefecture Government. It provides various essential information on education, healthcare, job opportunities, housing, as well as food and tourism information for enjoying your days off in Fukuoka.
Fukuoka is Open

Procedures at the ward office

Guidance Video

This is a guidance video about city ward procedures for new comers which is created by Q-Mate, a student support team run by Kyushu University students.
Please check it out!

Notification of your address

Notification of your address

Those who have received a residence card at a port entry/departure*1 are asked to visit the city/ward office where they live with their residence card, and notify the Ministry of Justice where they live within 14 days of finding a place to settle down.
This includes those in possession of a passport starting “Residence card will be issued at a later date”. In such a case, please be sure to bring your passport to the office.

※Those who have already resided in Japan and have moved
Within 14 days from the date of relocation to the new residence, you must notify the move-in at the municipal office of the relocation destination.

Necessary Documents
  • Notification of the address (Obtainable from municipal office of the city or ward for)

    Fukuoka City
    Itoshima City
    Onojo City
  • Residence card(certificate of alien registration)
  • Notification Card of my Number
  • Certificate of moving out (Tenshutsu Shomei Sho)
    ※If you change your address in the same city/town (e.g. from Higashi ward to Nishi ward in Fukuoka city), you are not required to submit it.

My number System

“The Social Security and Tax Number System” has been enforced in Japan since October 2015. In this new system, one number (12 digits) will be issued individually to every person possessing a resident record, including international students and researchers residing in Japan. This number, so called “My Number”, will be used for administrative procedures related to Social Security or Taxation etc.

Please find more detailed information here

Individual card (My Number Card)

National Health Insurance

All foreign nationals who granted permission to stay for 3 months or more may enroll in the National Health Insurance Plan. With this insurance, the insured can receive benefits for medical charges
70% of the total charge is borne by the city.
If the amount of the charge to be paid for one hospital in one month (30% of the total medical charge) exceeds determined sum of money the exceeded is borne by the city.
※Please complete the procedure at the ward office where you live.
If you have not completed the notification of your place of residence, please do so first.
※Insurance premiums vary depending on each person’s previous year’s income, so please contact the ward office where you live for details.
※It is convenient to pay insurance premiums automatically from your bank or post office account. Please ask the ward (city) office for the procedure of automatic transfer.
※Click here for National Health Insurance Card and premium payment slip

National Health Insurance Card and Premium Payment Form (available only in Japanese)

Necessary Documents
  • Notification of transfer of insured person of National Health Insurance (located at the ward office)

    Fukuoka City Onojo City
  • Residence card
    ※If your residence card is not issued at the time of entry and your passport says “Issue your residence card at a later date”, please bring your passport.
Click here for details

National Pension System

There is a system which students can apply for extension of national pension premiums, which is called “Special Payment System for Students”
If you wish to apply for “Special Payment System for Students”, please contact Itoshima City Hall, ward office in Fukuoka-City or the nearest Pension Office. When you contact the office, please prepare your student ID card.

special payment for students (available only in Japanese)

Higashi-Fukuoka Pension Office (Japanese version only)
Nishi- Fukuoka Pension Office (Japanese Version only)
Minami- Fukuoka Pension Office (Japanese version only)

National Pension System Website

Click here for details



(1) Kyushu University Hospital

Counseling and health Center provides medical care and advice in the case of disease and injuries and refers patients to Kyushu University Hospital if more specialized examinations and treatments are deemed necessary. If you are referred to Kyushu University Hospital in this manner, be sure to bring the letter of introduction issued by the Counseling and Health Center.

Kyushu University Hospital Website

(2) Medicalfacilities with a foreign language-speaking staff

Fukuoka City International Foundation provides on its website a list of medical facilities in Fukuoka that are staffed with a foreign language-speaking staff.

Fukuoka Medical Information Guide

Also, please refer to the list compiled for each campus area based on information from the “Fukuoka Medical Information Net” as of 1st September, 2024. Before you go to a medical institution, be sure to check each institution’s website for the latest information and whether or not an appointment is required.

Ito Campus
Hospital Campus
Ohashi Campus
Chikushi Campus

Health Insurance

National Health Insurance

All foreign nationals with a residence permit for a period exceeding 3 months who are students or who are not covered by an employer’s social security plan (mutual aid, health insurance) are required to join National Health Insurance. By paying monthly premiums, subscribers are required to cover 30% of their medical expenses. National Health Insurance is especially beneficial in cases of serious disease or hospitalization thanks to its reimbursement system: if the total sum of medical bills that a single medical institution charges to a subscriber within 1 month exceeds a certain amount, the excess sum is reimbursed to the subscriber. You can join National Health Insurance by applying at National Health Insurance Division of local ward office of your residence. Your National Health Insurance Card will be sent to you by post within a few days after the registration is completed. Monthly premiums are calculated based on your annual income in the previous year. Monthly premium payment can be made via automatic withdrawal from a bank account. For more detail, please contact the ward office in your residence area.

(1) Personal Accident Insurance

Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research (“Gakkensai”) covers expenses arisen by accidents during university activities (lectures, experiments, practical exercises, field activities, etc.), travels between university facilities, and commuting. For more details, please contact the Kyushu University Co-op.

Kyushu University Website

(2) Comprehensive Insurance for Students Lives Couples with “Gakkensai” for International Students (Inbound futai-gakuso)

This insurance coverage includes liability compensation for injuries to others or damage to others’ property, compensation for permanent disability in the event of an accident, and compensation for hospitalization or outpatient expenses due to injury or illness in daily life. The coverage varies depending on the enrollment type. To enroll in this insurance, you are required to enroll in GAKKENSAI first.

For details and inquiries
(Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean)

Enrollment procedures and payment
methods (Japanese and English)

(3) Student Mutual Aid “KYOSAI”

This insurance, handled by the Co-op, covers expenses arisen by accidents and injuries during university lectures, experiments and practical exercises. You must be a Co-op member to join this insurance. Please contact Kyudai Seikyo for more details.

(4) Emergency Secure Plan (ESP)

Emergency Secure Plan, which international students enrolled at Kyushu University are required to join, will provide assistance with various medical services. Please note, however, that ESP is not a health insurance, and does not substitute for or replace the National Health Insurance which international students enrolled with a residence card are also required to join. If international students need medical attention for the illness or accident etc., ESP can provide

  • Referral to an appropriate, nearby medical facility
  • Three-way telephone interpretation service etc.,

When the international students reach the emergency, it will arrange the contact to their family, and also transportation from home country to medical institutions in coverage.
To join ESP, international students are required to pay membership fee 1,650 yen/year. Please follow the instruction in the following website. *Bank transfer fee will be charged additionally per payment.

24 hour Trilingual Medical Assistance
Registration・Payment (ESP)
How to use (ESP)


Opening a Bank Account
To open a bank account, you will need ID, such as your residence card, which officially certifies your address, name and date of birth. International students are required to show Student ID Card. Please note that you may be requested to open an account at a specific bank if you are receiving some scholarship (e.g. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship students need to open JP bank.)
Click here for details
Having a bank account enables you to deposit money, send money to designated recipients, pay utility bills by automatic transfer, obtain a credit card, and perform other operations. Scholarship recipients are required to open a bank account since scholarship payment is made by bank transfer. Please note that some scholarships designate a banking institution at which their recipients must open their account (for example, Japanese government scholarship recipients are required to open their account at Yucho Bank (JP Bank).

Guidance Video

This is a guidance video about opening bank account in Japan created by Q-Mate, a student support team run by Kyushu University students.
Please check it out!

Electricity, gas and Water

Tenants in private rental apartments are required to newly subscribe to utility services by telephone.

1. Electricity

2. Gas

3. Water

Telephone and Internet

Public telephone

Public telephones accept 10-yen and 100-yen coins, as well as telephone cards which you can buy at stores, such as convenience stores. International calls can be made from public telephones bearing indication to that effect. On the University campuses, there are several public telephones of this type.

(1) Mobile Phone

There are several mobile phone companies in Japan. To buy a mobile phone and begin a new mobile phone service subscription, you must have a bank account in Japan. In general, you are required to present your bankbook, registered seal, Residence card or a copy of your jumin-hyo (certificate of residence record), passport, and a statement of parental approval (for those below age 20.)
There is a wide range of mobile phone models and service packages with different tariffs. Subscription details can even differ from one shop to another. Please make sure to fully understand the contract details before signing up, since misunderstanding can lead to unexpectedly high telephone bills. For more details, please check the websites of the respective service providers.
In recent years, use of a mobile phone terminal brought from abroad by installing SIM Card purchased at electronics retail shops in Japan is becoming common as well.



Internet access conditions and providers differ from one accommodation to another. If you are renting a private apartment, please confirm the details with your real estate agent. In central Fukuoka City, there are several internet hotspots.

Internet Hotspots (public Internet access over WIFI LAN) examples

Post and Home Delivery (examples)

Notice from the Animal Quarantine Service

Animal quarantine information for travelers to Japan and International Mail, etc.
There have been cases are arrests on the charge of bringing meat or animal products illegally. If you failed to declare meat or animal products and found them in your luggage, you will be found punishable.

Postal service

Home delivery


Public Transportation

Bus, Subway, Train


IC Cards as bus/ train tickets

Fukuoka bus, subway and train systems adopt rechargeable IC cards as a method of fare payment. There cards also function as a commuter’s pass and a debit card accepted in many shops. Any one of the cards listed below can be used in the service areas of all the other cards.

Accepting masstransit system

Nishitetsu Railway, Nishitestu Bus, Showa Bus, JR Kyushu train, Fukuoka City Subway

nimoca (Nishitetu)
SUGOCA (JR Kyushu)
Hayakaken(Fukuoka City Subway)

Discounts (example)

One-day subway ticket

With this card, 1-day unlimited rides on all subway lines (Kuko, Hakozaki, Nanakuma Lines) are allowed.
Price: 640 yen

Fukuoka City Subway

Ito Campus coupon tickets

Ito Campus coupon tickets, usable between any subway station and Kyudai Gakkentoshi Station on the JR Chikushi Line and between Kyudai Gakkentoshi and Kyudai Kogakubu-mae bus stops on Showa Bus, offers a saving of about 300 yen per ride as compared to regular single tickets.
Price: 1 strip of 10 tickets for 6,380 yen (adult)
※638 yen per ticket
Valid for 3 months
※Valid until the last day of the month 3 months from the month of purchase
Sold at: JR Kyudai Gakkentoshi Station, Meinohama Station, Nishijin Station, Tenjin Station and Kyushu University Co-op, etc.

Showa Bus

Ecole Card

With this card, unlimited bus rides on any day (weekday, weekend and holiday) during given period are allowed for the prices indicated below.
1 month card: 8,000 yen / 3-month card: 22,800 yen

Ecole Card

※Please not that Ecole Card users are still required to pay fares if they get on or off at Kyudai Kogakubu-mae, Kyudai Big Orange-mae, Sangaku Renkei Koryu Center and other specified bus stops. For this reason, Wide Ecole Card is recommended to students commuting to Ito campus
1 month card: 11,500 yen / 3-month card: 32,800 yen 

Student discounts

JR. Nishitetsu and Subway commuter passes (1,3 and 6 month(s) passes)
Commuter passes are available ticket counters at train station. A certificate of commuting is required to purchase a student commuter pass. Students can apply for the certificate at Students Affairs Section of their School / Graduate School. Please not that some categories of student cannot obtain a certificate of commuting.

Discount rate
The longer commuter pass validity, the greater the discount

How to purchase
1. Confirm the route of public transportation
2. Receive a certificate of commuting issued by the Student Support Division or the Student Affairs Section of your School or Graduate School.
3. Bring your certificate of commuting and student ID card to purchase a commuting pass at any of the location below

Where to buy (examples)
Subway: Meinohama, nishijin, tenjin, Hakata, and Kaizuka Stations JR: Any station
Nishitetsu Bus $ Railway: Tenjin Commuter pass Counter, Kashiihama Sales Office, Ohashi Station, Ijiri Station, etc.
Showa Bus: Ito Information Center, Showa-bus Kind Information
SKIP: Showa-bus Kind Information Plaza (JR Kyudai Gakkentoshi-mae Station) 3rd floor of Hkata bus Terminal

JR Student Discount (certificate of student discount eligibility)
By presenting a certificate of student discount eligibility, students can receive a 20% discount on regular JR train fares if the on0way distance of their train ride for academic purposes (training, observation, etc.) or returning to their hometown for holidays is 101 km or more. Certificates of student discount eligibility can be obtained from automatic certificate-issuing machines. Research students and other non-degree students are not eligible.
One student can be issued with up to 10 certificates per year. Purchasing train tickets at discount prices with certificates issued to persons other than actual travelers is illegal, and holders of such tickets are charged the full regular fare plus a penalty corresponding to double the regular fare.

Discount rate

How to purchase
1. Check the distance to your destination to see if it exceeds 100km.
2. Obtain a certificate of student discount eligibility from a machine on the Campus.
3. Bring the certificate to any JR station to purchase tickets.

Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle

Driver’s license

Driving an automobile or motorcycle in Japan requires either a Japanese driver’s license or an international driver’s license. It is possible to replace your driver’s license obtained in your home country or a third country with a Japanese driver’s license.
Unlicensed driving is heavily punished (imprisonment up to 12 months, fine up to 300,000 yen) and is even more heavily punished if such driving results in an accident. If you intend to drive in Japan, you are strongly advised to subscribe to voluntary insurance (nin-i hoken), in addition to the mandatory liability insurance. For more details, ask your car or motorcycle dealer upon purchase.
Mandatory liability insurance. For more details, ask your car or motorcycle dealer upon purchase. In recent years, many cases of being arrested for unlicensed driving are reported. Even if you do not need a driver’s license in your home country when driving a small motor cycle, you must obtain a Japanese diver’s license when driving in Japan. Always carry your driver’s license when driving.

How to replace your foreign driver’s license with a Japanese driver’s license

You are required to possess a valid driver’s license issued in a country other than Japan and have stayed in that country for 3 consecutive months or longer following the obtainment of your driver’s license.

Where to apply
Fukuoka Driver’s License Test Center
4-7-1 Hanahata, Minami Ward, Fukuoka City

Application accepted
Monday to Friday (closed on Saturday, Sunday, public holidays and New Year holidays)

Test subjects
●Examination of documents
●Driving knowledge and skills

※Holders of driver’s licenses issued in the countries and areas listed below are exempt from the “driving knowledge and skills” test
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, USA (Maryland and Washington states Only)

Required documents
●Application form (available at the Test Center)
●2 ID photos (3cm x 2.4cm)
●1 copy of jumin-hyo (certificate of residence record) with mention of locale of family register or nationality
●Valid foreign driver’s license
●Japanese translation of the above driver’s license ( translated or certified by the Embassy or Consulate)
※Translation service by Japan Automobile Federation (JAF)
Japanese translation of foreign driver’s license
●JAF Kyushu headquarters Fukuoka Branch(092-841-7731)
●Candidates who do not speak Japanese may be accompanied by an interpreter.

Testing fees
●Ordinary Type 1 : 2,550 yen
●Large Type 1/ Medium Type 1: 4,100 yen
●Others: 2,600 yen

Vehicle use fee (only examinees subject to driving skill test)
Depends on the size of the vehicle

License issuance fee
2,050 yen

Fee for mention of additional vehicle type (if licensed for several vehicle types)
200 yen

Traffic rules

In Japan, cars drive on the left. Be particularly careful if you drive on the right in your home country. Japanese traffic rules are very strict, and violations are heavily punished (fined). Be sure to learn the local traffic rules before you drive. Compensation demanded for a traffic accident is extremely expensive in Japan. In the case of a fatal accident (even one caused by a motor cycle), the sum of compensation demanded could exceed 80 million yen. The mandatory automobile liability insurance is usually insufficient to entirely cover such demand and does not cover material damage caused to the victim or the responsible party’s medical expenses. For this reason, if you drive in Japan, you are advised to join a voluntary insurance in addition to the mandatory one.

Driving to University

Undergraduate Kyushu University students are not allowed to commute by car. Graduate students and research students whose commuting distance is 2 km or more and who habitually stay on the campus until late at night for research activities are allowed to commute by car by applying for a permission and paying an annual vehicular entry fee of 12,000 yen. For more details, please contact the Student Affairs Section of your School or Graduate School.


Bicycles purchased in Japan must be registered for theft prevention and early detection of stolen bicycles. This procedure requires a registration fee of 600 yen. Change of registered information is mandatory when a bicycle owner has changed. Possessing a bicycle without updating its ownership information is considered as theft and thereby punishable. Please not that, in Japan, riding a bicycle while under the influence of alcohol is punishable in the same way as drunk driving. It is also illegal to ride a bicycle while using an umbrella or carrying another person. The number of bicycle collision accidents has been increasing recently on the Kyushu University campuses. Be prudent if you ride a bicycle since even bicycle accidents can lead to huge compensation claims.

Safety and Security

Emergency Call Numbers in Japan

Throughout your stay in Japan, you should keep in mind the following two phone numbers that you need to call in the event an emergency situation arises. Call the number appropriate to what you need to report or ask for-Each number connects you to a nationwide response center in service nationwide, 24 hours and seven days a week


Crime or accident


Fire, ambulance, emergency medical services.

Wherever in Japan, these calls can be made free of charge from any phone including mobile phones, home phones, and public pay phones.

(2) Traffic accidents

In the case of a traffic accident, call 119(ambulance) first if someone is injured; otherwise, call 110 (police). If you are personally involved, you must note down the other party’s name, address, telephone number, age, driver’s license number, vehicle’s license plate number, insurance company, insurance policy number etc. You must also write down witnesses’ names and telephone numbers, if any. If you are injured, even only slightly, you must seek medical attention and have a medical certificate prepared by the medical institution. You are also required to notify your academic advisor/host professor and the office in charge of your department if you are involved in a traffic accident.

(3) Fire

If you detect a fire, shout “kaji-da (fire)!” and alert the people around you; then call 119 for a fire engine. If a fire extinguisher or water is nearby, use it to contain the fire. However, never splash water over a cooking pot containing oil, a kerosene stove or an electric appliance.

(4) Local Police Stations and Police Boxes

Police stations (keisatsu-sho) and police boxes (koban) near the Campuses and student dormitories are listed below. Koban, usually found in an urban area, are stationed by police officers 24/7 to ensure local community security. Feel free to seek help at a koban when you need directions, have lost an object, are involved in or troubled by an incident or accident.


Nishi Police Station
1-14-10 Imajukunishi, Nishi Ward, Fukuoka City

Susenji Police Box
2-8-13 Susenji, Nishi Ward, Fukuoka City


Fukuoka Prefectual
7-7 Higashi Koen, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City


Minami Police Station
2-3-1 Shiobaru, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City

Ohashi Police Box
1-3-16 Ohashi, Minami Ward, Fukuoka City


Ijiri Police Box
5-3-3 Ijiri, Minami Ward, Fukuoka City


Shirakibaru Pokice Box
2-4-22 Shirakibaru, Onojo City

Kasuga Police Station
3-1-21 Hara-mashi, Kasuga City

(5) Natural disasters


From summer to autumn, typhoons approach and sometimes hit the lands of Japan. When a typhoon approaches, rainfall and wind intensify, often blowing away roof tiles, tree branches, signboards and other objects and they cause a dangerous situation. In such situation, it is beat to stay inside the building as much as possible, and stay away from the windows since window glass can be broken by objects blown by strong winds. Remember that electric power and water supply are sometime disrupted. Be vigilant against a flood if you live in a lowland area or near a river. If you see rainwater overflowing onto the road surface, refrain from using the subway or going to an underground shopping arcade or basement floor.
When a typhoon strikes overland, mass-transit systems often change their operating schedules. In such a case, gather the latest information from TV, radio or the Internet.


Fukuoka has experienced less frequent earthquake compared to the other areas in Japan. However, there was a major earthquake hit the west coast of Fukuoka Prefecture in May 2005 and another powerful earthquake struck Kumamoto prefecture as well as other Kyushu region in April 2016. Therefore, we must be vigilant at all times.

If an earthquake hits…

  • Hide yourself under a sturdy desk or table, and protect your head with a pillow or cushion if available nearby.
  • Once the shaking has stopped and you can move, extinguish all inflammable items.
  • Open the door to secure an escape route and not to be shut in.
  • When outdoors, stay away from buildings, cliffs and shores.
  • Evacuate from a building via a staircase; elevators can stop in the middle of operation due to power failure.
  • Safety confirmation e-mail will be sent to you b University through Student Portal System, please be sure to reply to it. (ANPIC)
  • If you have any damages due to disasters, please report them to a student section of your affiliated department or to Support Center.

NHK World Japan
NHK World Japan is a service provided by Japan’s public broadcaster, NHK. It delivers the latest information on a variety of topics, including Japan’s disaster information, in multiple languages. It’s an ideal service for those who may not feel confident gathering information in Japanese. By downloading the smartphone app, you can receive push notifications with the latest information in the event of a disaster.
NHK World Japan

Links for Multilingual News and BOSAI Info.
This is a useful collection of links related to Japanese news and disaster information provided by NHK. You can access multilingual news sites and gain a better understanding of disasters in Japan.
Links for Multilingual News and BOSAI Info.

Disaster Prevention Info-mail Service “Mamoru-kun”
“Mamoru-kun” provides disaster information updates.
・Stay informed about disaster alerts with push notifications based on your current location.
・Easily locate evacuation centers on the map.
・Illustrated guides on disaster preparedness actions are available.
・erify family members’ locations during emergencies.
・Available in Japanese, English, Chinese (Simplified/Traditional), Korean, and Vietnamese.


Family (educational supports and others)

About the School Education of Japan

Guidebook for Starting School
Available in English, Korean, Vietnamese, Pilipino, Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish. Guide for foreign students to start school
Brief explanation on Japanese Education System
These websites explain enrollment procedures for nursery, kindergarten, elementary and Junior high school, etc. Nursery/ Kindergarten Elementary/ Junior high school

Fukuoka city temporary custody business

Eligibility:The infant who is before elementary school enrollment from 6 months old who live in the Fukuoka city
(The sick child and the infant of sick convalescence are non-applicable.)
Fee:It’s different depending on Facilities.
The use number of times:Even 14 times a month

Temporary custody business *Choose “Foreign language” at the top of the web page.

Procedures for Starting School at Fukuoka City Elementary Schools (Fukuoka city)

Procedures for Changing Schools within Japan to Fukuoka City Elementary/Middle Schools

Procedures for Changing Elementary/Middle Schools

This website provides explanation on transfer procedure for Japanese Children.
Foreign children can also transfer by taking the same procedure as below.

Procedures at the municipal office
  1. Foreign parents who have moved into Fukuoka city must take a procedure on their residence registration at Resident registration counter of the municipal oofice.
  2. At that time, those with a school-aged child(re) inform them the request to have child(re) attend a Japanese school at Resident registration counter of the municipal office.
  3. If you wish for school education, please complete the necessary forms and ask for an issuance of “Notice of School Transfer (Tennyuugaku tsuuchisho).”
Procedures at the school
  1. Foreign parents and child(ren) visit the designated school and submit the “Notice of School transfer”. Please make an appointment with the school by phone in advance.
  2. 2. A fire interview will be held with a staff of the school. Brief explanation on the procedures of transferring, preparation of school items and open a bank account will be given. There will be forms to be filled in, so please accompany with someone who can speak/read Japanese.

Procedures for Cases Where Japanese Language Support is required for child(ren) 

Japanese Language Support Project for Child(ren)
Health Related Services of Health and Welfare Center (Hokenjyo)

Following service on the mother and child handbook is available.

◇Issuance of the Mother and Child Handbook (Japanese)
Those who have registered as a foreign citizen at Fukuoka city, then the handbook in foreign language can be issued for free if requested.

Children’s Medical Subsidy System

The subsidy is provided for medical expenses so that children can receive medical care at hospitals and other facilities with peace of mind in the hope of their healthy growth.
【Target Age】
 Until 2023 December 31, even Medium3rd grader of*… school (until March 31 of beginning after the birthday previous day of 15 years old)
 From 2024 January 1 to the*…… high school student generation, (the person who isn’t a※ student until March 31 of beginning after the birthday previous day of 18 years old, target)

To be certified for child medical expense subsidies, an application must be submitted. You can apply at the city office or online.
For detailed application procedures and grant details, please refer to the links below.

Children’s Medical Subsidy System *Choose “Foreign language” at the top of the web page.

Fukuoka City Consultation Support Center for Foreign Residents

Consultation on various matters related to daily life such as residence procedures, employment, medical care, welfare, childbirth/childrearing, and education of children is available in person or by phone or e-mail.

Leaving Japan

For those who leave Japan

There are many procedures to carry out including those mentioned above. Especially you are obliged to settle up all required payments. If you leave Japan without having them complete, it will not only cause a lot of trouble to your guarantor or a supervisor but also to discredit the reputation of your home country A checklist of procedures required before leaving Japan can be downloaded below

Checklist of necessary procedures before leaving Japan

Guidance Video

This is a guidance video about necessary procedures before leaving Japan which is created by Q-Mate, a student support team run by Kyushu University students.
Please check it out!

Moving-out of a university dormitory or a private apartment

You are required to notify dormitory managers or a real estate agency of your moving-out date beforehand (usually 1 to 2 months in advance) in accordance with the contract. If the notification is not carried out appropriately or late, additional room charges may be deducted from the deposit. It is also required to clean up the room and have the room checked by dormitory managers or a real estate agancy on the moving-out date. If you are using a rented parking space or a storage room, you are also required to notify and terminate the contract.

Disposal of bulk trash and recycled home electronics

Disposing bulk trash such as home furniture, home electronics or bicycle is charged and is required to follow community rule of your residence. Please find community rule of each residence in the following links.

Disposal procedure of bulk trash

Fukuoka city
Itoshima city
Kasuga city
Onojo city

Recycled home electronics such as air-conditioner, TV, refrigerator or washing machine are not taken care of by a city office. Please contact a retail shop where you purchased these items or the nearest “Best Denki”.

Cancellation of Co-op membership

Membership fee of Co-op will be refunded to you after cancellation. In case of Spring graduation, special counter by Co-op for cancellation of membership will be held in every March at the cafeteria of each campus. Please check the location and visit there with the following required items. In case of fall graduation, please visit a service counter of the nearest Co-op store.

Information on the return of investment due to legal withdrawal and switching procedures due to higher education, etc.

Required documents
  1. Residence Card
  2. Student ID Card
  3. Personal Seal (if you have)
  4. Application form

    Procedures at a city(ward) office

    Please visit, with required documents, a city office to go through following procedures within 14 days prior to your departure.

    Required documents
    1. Residence Card
    2. Personal Seal (if you have)
    3. National Health Insurance Card
    4. National Pension Handbook(Subscriber only)
    5. Notification Card or Individual Card of “The Social Security and Tax number System”

    6. A notification of moving out
      Please submit a notification of moving out to a resident registration section. If this is not carried out appropriately, you might be charged additional National Health Insurance fee even after your departure.

      Return of Notification Card/Individual Card of “The Social Security and Tax number System”
      You are required to return Notification Card/Individual Card to a resident registration section. Please refer to following URL for the detail of “The Social Security and Tax number System”, as know as “My number”.
      Important notification about The Social Security and Tax number System

      Cancellation of National Health Insurance
      Please cancel National Health Insurance by returning National Health Insurance Card at a section-in-charge and settle any outstanding payments.

      Cancellation of National Pension Registration
      Please cancel National Pension Registration at a section-in-charge. If you have Japanese National Pension coverage period under certain conditions, you can apply for Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment.
      Japan Pension Service Lump-sum withdrawal payment system

      Payment of utility fee, internet fee and cellphone charge

      You are required to notify all suppliers of public utilities before a moving-out date to cancel the contract and settle any outstanding payments. It goes similarly to a cellphone and internet service.

      Kyushu Electric Power Co.
      Internet application:
      Telephone application:
      Fukuoka city East ward:0120-986-204
      Fukuoka city Central ward, Fukuoka city Hakata ward:0120-986-205
      Kasuga city, Onojo city:0120-986-207
      Ito area:0120-986-206

      Saibu Gas Co.
      Internet application:
      Telephone application:092-633-2345

      Fukuoka City Waterworks Bureau
      Internet application:
      Telephone application:092-532-1010

      Cellphone company
      Please visit a cellphone company with cellphone, Residence Card or Passport, and Personal Seal (if you have).

      You are required to notify internet provider and ensure to return Modem/Router if rented. First of all please make sure of cancellation procedure more than 1 month in advance.

      Closure of a bank account

      Please visit a bank with Bankbook, Cash Card, Personal Seal and Residence Card, and go through closing procedure. Please make sure of the following points before closing a bank account.

      1. If scholarship payment in the last month into your bank account is successfully carried out
      2. If payment of utility fee or mobile phone charge in the last month by bank transfer is successfully carried out

      3. Business hours of a service counter
        Bank:9:00-15:00(Mon to Fri except for national holidays)
        Post office:9:00-16:00(Mon to Fri except for national holidays)

        Termination of credit card contract

        You are required to call credit card company and make sure of the amount of outstanding payments as well as a method of payment.
        It goes similarly to Tuo Card obtained through Co-op; please visit Co-op store to confirm cancellation procedure.

        Cancellation of Bicycle Security Registration

        Please visit the nearest police station to cancel registration.

        Required items
        1. Registration Card
        2. Residence Card or Passport
        3. Bicycle

        4. Return of Residence Card

          Please return Residence Card to a departure counter or Immigration office at the airport. In case you forgot to return it for some reason, please send it to the following address by mail.  *If you fail to return it, you may be punished with a fine.

          Destination of return by mail
          Odaiba Branch Office, the Tokyo Immigration Bureau Tokyo Port Joint Government Building 9F, 2-7-11 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0064
          (Please write “The residence card to be returned” on the face of the envelope)