




発表の様子 Presentation

[Report] Study Abroad Scholarship Explanatory Session on November 20 (Mon.)

The Study Abroad Division of Kyushu University held an event on scholarships for study abroad, planned by peer advisors for study abroad, for students interested in studying abroad on Monday, November 20, 2023, during 5th period in Room 2303, Building 2, Ito Regional Center.

The event consisted of three main parts: on-campus scholarships, scholarships offered by external foundations, and a question-and-answer session. In the explanation of the on-campus scholarships, two peer advisors who have actually been selected for these scholarships spoke about them. There were also questions from the audience about living expenses in the host country, providing a good opportunity to convey the backup provided by the on-campus study abroad support system. In addition, scholarships offered by foundations outside the university, such as the JASSO scholarship, the Business Super Japan Dream Foundation Scholarship, and Tobitate Study Abroad Japan, were also discussed. The talk was not limited to the outline of the systems, but also included tips on how to prepare a study abroad plan and personal PR, which are stumbling blocks for many prospective students, such as "how to write an application form," and the participants responded very positively.

During the Q&A session, various questions were asked about the atmosphere of the scholarship screening sessions, how to write an application, and so on. The positive attitude of the participants was impressive, with many students coming to ask questions to the peer advisors even after the event was over. We had 75 participants and many students attended, and in a questionnaire survey, more than 90% of the participants answered "very good/good," indicating that the event was very well organized.

The impact of COVID-19 has calmed down, and the number of students flying out to study abroad is gradually increasing. As a peer advisor, I would like to continue to encourage students who are interested in studying abroad through planning events.