
Japanese Language and Culture Course(JLCC) is provided by the International Student Center at Kyushu University and it is organized for those who wish to gain a deeper understanding of Japanese society and culture with further opportunities to improve Japanese language skills for conducting research in the area of Japanese studies.
JLCC 日本語・日本文化研修コース

Contents of JLCC

All classes are held in Japanese. The students in this course are required to complete classes such as ‘Independent Study Project (ISP)’, ‘Japanese Language and Linguistics’ and ‘Japanese Culture and Society’ offered in the International Student Center. They are also required to take at least four credits from electives which best suit their academic interests and Japanese proficiency levels. These elective classes are offered by undergraduate schools including Literature, Economics, and Law as well as General Education at Kyushu University.
Moreover, various kinds of Japanese classes (writing, speaking, kanji vocabulary, reading etc.), offered by International Student Center, are available.
Program period From October to next August
Student Enrollment 30

About Kyushu University

Kyushu University was founded in 1911 and has grown to be one of the most prestigious universities in Japan. At present, there are 12 undergraduate schools, 18 graduate schools, 4 research institutes, and a hospital.
Approximately 19,000 students, 2,100 faculty members and 2,300 administrative staffs are engaged in study and/or research at the University. Kyushu University is located in Fukuoka, gateway of Kyushu.
Geographically and historically, the city is close to other parts of Asia, so we have been aiming to be the “University opened to Asia” from the beginning. Also, a new main campus, in Ito opened in 2005, where some departments have begun its activities.
Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation, Letters, Education, Law, Economics, Science, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Engineering, Design, Agriculture

Graduate Schools
Humanities, Integrated Sciences for Global Society, Human-Environment Studies, Law, Law School (Professional Graduate School), Economics, Science, Mathematics, Systems Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Dental Science, Pharmaceutical Science, Engineering, Design, Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Integrated Frontier Sciences

Kyushu University website

JLCC Course Coordinator

郭俊海 Junhai GUO
Junhai GUO

Ph.D. (Applied Linguistics, National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Research Areas:
Language Policy, Bilingualism, Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language

Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society
School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation

Professional Profile in Details

Message from the President

International Student Center website


Information List

JLCC Alumni

JLCC Alumni List


Voice List