Kyushu University Summer Program
at Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS)
in California, USA



The Curriculum
The proposed course of study for Kyushu University students at MIIS includes a tailored program of communicative classroom instruction and community-based activities which both emphasize interaction with English speakers in the friendly Monterey peninsula.
During the 20-22 hour per week instructional time, students will participate in a combination of core and elective content courses. The core courses are:

1) Workplace Presentation Skills
In the first part of the course, students will learn the skills required to write a professional resume and participate in other workplace related role plays (interviews, answering a telephone, interacting with colleagues, meeting negotiations). The second part of this course students will work in groups to create a PowerPoint multimedia presentations through the use of the computer. Groups will decide on a project topic related to the Business & Technology Trends content course, and will present their work at an end of program speakers forum in front of a live audience. All four skills will be used to develop and deliver the presentation, and groups will be evaluated on both their active participation in the development of the project and the effectiveness of their final presentation.

2.1) Health & Medical Science Trends
In this content-based course, students will explore exciting trends in health and medicine with the goal of conducting their own research project and presenting their findings in an academic setting. Students will work with authentic readings, interact with guest speakers, and survey community members about course topics.


2.2) Business & Technology Trends
In this content-based course, students will explore exciting trends in business and technology with the goal of conducting their own research project and presenting their findings in a professional setting. Students will work with authentic readings, interact with guest speakers, and survey community members about course topics.

3) Pronouncing American English
This skills focused class will emphasize the importance of clear pronunciation with particular focus on difficult sounds for Japanese speakers. Attention will also be given to intonation, connected speech, and reductions found in native speakers’ speech patterns so that students can develop a stronger awareness of their own pronunciation and feel more confident when interacting with English speakers.

4) Panel Discussion
In this class students will first prepare for, then interact with and listen to, and finally reflect on presentations given by guest speaker panels that have a topic related to aspects of American life and culture. This class will not only allow students to learn about different parts of American life and culture, but will also develop listening comprehension and vocabulary skills.

5) Community Language Skills
This course will provide students with ample practice communicating effectively in realistic social and work place situations as well receive and practice relevant cultural and social information. Through role plays and community surveys students will learn how language is used in different contexts, and discuss troublesome communication situations

Course summary: In the Business & Technology Trends content course students will learn about cutting edge technology trends and innovations and explore how these trends impact the marketplace.

Sample activities:
In class
・ Read about & discuss articles on leading technologies, for example the increasing interest in virtual communities such as Second Life as mentioned in Fortune magazine and CNN.com
・ Other trends could include California’s Million Solar roofs initiative, the move towards Biodiesel and energy efficient transportation, mobile assisted language learning, or even biotechnology
・ Learn & practice vocabulary and language related to technology innovations & specific community based activities which will connect students to the course themes
・ Analyze online video, texts, and audio for relevant content and language
・ Invite expert guest speakers and /or panelists from local companies, government agencies, and organizations to speak with students about themes and topics from the course
・ Prepare team presentations on a topic related to the theme of the course

・ Hold a virtual class in Second Life’s virtual environment
・ Tour a solar green-built home, meet with entrepreneurs in this industry
・ Interview home stay families about the role of technology in their lives
・ Arrange for a field trip to Silicon Valley to tour a high tech company like Apple or Google







9:00 -10:00am

Workplace Presentation 

Pronouncing American English


Pronouncing American English


10:00am -12noon

Community Language

Community Language Skills

Panel Discussion

Community Language Skills


12noon -1pm




1 -3pm



Business & Technology


Health & Medical Science Trends

Business & Technology


Health & Medical Science Trends

 Business & Technology


Health & Medical Science Trends

Business & Technology


Health & Medical Science Trends

 Business & Technology


Health & Medical Science Trends

Afternoon Extra-curricular Activities
Optional recreational activities are selected by participants and led by an Activity Guide after classes. These activities might include playing beach volleyball, rollerblading, exploring tidal pools, seeing a film, visiting art galleries, going grocery shopping, etc.

Opportunities for Interaction with native Speakers of English
Students who study English in the US in short-term programs frequently lack time to establish additional conversational opportunities outside of class. To address this need, participants will have the opportunity to meet informally to practice their respective language skills and learn first-hand about each other’s culture in the following ways: interaction with guest speakers during Panel Discussion as well as structured and unstructured interaction with community informants during Community Language Skills, small group activities chaperoned by program activity guides, as well as structured and informal interaction with homestay families. Further opportunities will be explored and implemented if possible. For example, lunch time conversation tables or getting together with other students from local colleges.

Program Hospitality
An orientation will take place the first day of the program to welcome Kyushu participants to MIIS and discuss the course program. To promote greater cross-cultural understanding, a cultural evening with homestay families, program staff, and invited guests to participate in an American-style potluck dinner featuring both American and Japanese cuisine. A final graduation celebration will be held after participants have presented their capstone presentations.



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Office for the Planning and Coordination of International Affairs
Kyushu University
Hakozaki 6-10-1, Higashi-ku
Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan
〒812-8581 福岡市東区箱崎6-10-1
Tel:+81 92 642 2143
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