@‘Session-3‘@uThe University's Role in Health Sciencesv


@@@M. S. ANANTH, Director, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
@@@ uHealth Research and Public Health Challenges: Some Observationsv

@@@Natalia B. NOSOVA, Executive Assistant to the Rector, Saint Petersburg State University
@@@ uUniversity and Community: the case of St. Petersburg State University, Russiav

@@@ Michael D. FETTERS, Professor, University of Michigan
@@@ uResearch Collaboration and Ethical Considerations in University-Pharma
@@@ Relationships: A View from the University of Michiganv

@@@ Hisatomi ARIMA, Assistant Professor, Kyushu University
@@@ uThe Hisayama Study: a long-term prospective cohort study of life-style related
@@@@ diseases in a general population of Japanesev