Graduate School ofMedical Sciences
- Medical Sciences Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science)
Health Sciences
Master of Health Sciences / Nursing Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciences / Nursing
- Medical Sciences University lecturers and doctors
- Health Sciences University lecturers
- Medical Sciences
- Health Sciences
- Medical Sciences Anatomy / Medical Biophysics / Structural and Functional Medicine / Anatomy and Neurobiology / Immunogenetics / Pediatrics / Genesiology /Epigenomics / Pathology / Microbiology and Immunity / Pathophysiology / Internal Medicine / Surgery / Cardiovascular Sciences / Respiratory Medicine / Physiology Science / Biochemistry / Pharmacology / Neurofunctional Genomics / Molecular and Cellular Biology / Organogenesis and Regeneration / Immunology and Genome Biology / Biomedicine / Environmental Health and Socio-Medical Sciences / Medical Education / Mucosal Immunology / Inflammation and Proteostasis / Stem cell Biology and Medicine
- Health Sciences Nursing / Medical Quantum Science / Medical Technology
Research Students
[Medical Sciences]
April Admission: December, every year
October Admission: June, every year
[Health Sciences]
April Admission: Early November, every year
October Admission: Early June, every year -
Master’s Program
[Health Sciences]
October Admission: Early May, every year -
Doctoral Program
[Medical Sciences]
April Admission:
1st Application Period: July, every year
2nd Application Period: December, every year
[Health Sciences]
October Admission: Early May, every year
Research Students
[Medical Sciences]
The core mission of Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University is to nurture medical practitioners, medical care specialists and researchers serving globally. This graduate school comprises of three departments of Medical Sciences (Master and Doctor Course), Health Sciences (Master and Doctor Course) and Health Care Administration and Management (Master Course).Our faculty members work together as a team to contribute to education that creates superior medical professionals in close collaboration with Kyushu University Hospital. In addition to education, our faculty places an emphasis to our core mission for the advancement of medical research as a research institute. We are seeing ever-increasing research outcomes, showing steady research accomplishments in diverse fields.
However, considering the prevailing trend toward university reform, we should not be merely satisfied with the status quo. We have a diversity of excellent researchers in various fields who are committed to the advancement of world-class research. It is our desire to encourage joint research by strengthened interdisciplinary collaboration and to expand our scope of activities outside the university and to the world to pursue world-class research. We will build up a structure enabling proactive support for both basic and clinical medicine and foster an environment for nurturing human assets to lead future-generation medical care and medical study with our distinctive faculty team.
Student’s Voice
- What is your research about?
- Currently, I am doing my master’s degree in Division of Medical Quantum Sciences. It is important to monitor the dose resulting from imaging techniques especially used in medical fields, so my research topic focuses on organ dose estimation originating from Cone Beam Computed Tomography using Monte Carlo simulation. I beleive that the use of Monte Carlo simulation and ultilizing what I have learned from is a great step for my future works.
- What is an advantage of Kyushu University?
- As is known, people who live abroad can face some difficulties. However, it was easy to live in Japan for me thanks to especially my teacher, Professor Toshioh Fujibuchi, also supporter student provided by Kyushu University, other teachers, and classmates. At the same time, the provided opportunities in terms of education, social and cultural life are quite much in Fukuoka.

(From Turkey)
Related Contact: Student Office
E-mail / Medical Sciences:
E-mail / Health Sciences: