【Recording Available】Attracting global talent and making Kyushu University internationally competitive (FD in English)
On January 25th 2024, the SHARE-Q International Advisory Group (SIAG) held an FD in English (FDE), titled “Attracting global talent and making Kyushu University internationally competitive" coordinated by Assoc. Prof. Eljamal Osama and Assoc. Prof. William Tse.
In this FDE, we had discussed discuss the elements affecting the good international reputation of Kyushu University and how could increase the number of globally talented students, researchers and academics at Kyushu University.
Now the recording of this FDE is available for members in Kyushu University.
You can find it from the link below.
Recording (Internal Only)
Eligible participant:Faculty and administrative members in Kyushu University
Click the image to find more details.
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