【21th October】HUJI-KYUSHU Forum A student forum not only for students! Viewpoints about Covid-19 from the two countries on the verge of the Asian continent, Japan and Israel
COVID-19 has profoundly impacted so many aspects of our lives. Lockdowns, vaccination, mandatory social distancing, job losses, closed campuses, virtual learning are just some examples. Such a transformation in how students are living their daily lives, how they are taught, causes many university students around the world to experience considerable stress and fear of an uncertain future. At the same time it opens new doors and new opportunities.
This forum is bringing students, experts and locals together virtually from all over the world to show how COVID-19 has changed how they live and learn. Local and international students from Israel and Japan will speak about their experiences of coping with the changes in their daily and academic lives since the outbreak of COVID-19, and share how they are rising to overcome these challenges.
The Detail of this event is below.