【9/30開催】日本・スウェーデンMIRAI2.0 TEG-AI Workshop -Political and Legal/Moral Aspects of AI-
日本・スウェーデン20大学で構成する国際コンソーシアムMIRAI2.0 Artificial Intelligence Group (TEG-AI) では、2022年の活動トピックを"Exciting Trends in Applied AI"と設定しています。この度、9/30に3回目のWorkshopとして「Political and Legal/Moral Aspects of AI」を開催いたします。ワークショップでは、TEG-AIメンバー大学の研究者4名から各20分間のプレゼンテーションを予定しています。
MIRAI2.0 TEG-AI Workshop #3: Political and Legal/Moral Aspects of AI
September 30th 9am-11am (Swedish time)/ 4pm-6pm (Japanese time)
MIRAI TEG-AI group will hold the workshop focusing on the legal, ethical, and moral aspects of AI.
email maria.vyatkina@ltu.se
MIRAI2.0 TEG-AI Workshop #3: Political and Legal/Moral Aspects of AI
September 30th 9am-11am (Swedish time)/ 4pm-6pm (Japanese time)
MIRAI TEG-AI group will hold the workshop focusing on the legal, ethical, and moral aspects of AI.
- Time: 9:00-11:00 (SWE) / 16:00-18:00 (JPN)
- Venue: Zoom
- Program:
・Opening Remarks by Prof. Marcus Liwicki, Luleå University of Technology (Co-Chair)
・Presentation 1 by Associate Professor Markus Naarttijärvi (Umeå University)
・Presentation 2 by Professor Toshie Takahashi (Waseda University)
・Presentation 3 by Associate Professor Stefan Larsson (Lund University)
・Presentation 4 by Professor Emeritus Hiroshi Nakagawa (University of Tokyo)
・General Discussion & Closing Remarks by Prof. Liwicki
*Each time slot for the presentation is allocated 15 mins presentation and following 5 mins Q&A session.
email maria.vyatkina@ltu.se