【6/13(月)開催】そろそろ留学行かNight @センター2号館4F 嚶鳴天空広場



◆場所:センター2号館4階 嚶鳴天空広場






【6/13 (Mon.) 】Study Abroad Event ~It's time to get ready for study abroad~@Center Bldg. 2, 4F, Omei Tenku Plaza

Let's make friends with those who have not been able to go to study abroad due to COVID-19, or those who are worried about whether or not they will be able to go to study abroad. We will hold an event where you can hear about how to gather information about studying abroad and experiences from people who have studied abroad onsite and online (long term and short term)! There will also be a networking session for those who are going to study abroad and those who are interested in studying abroad.


◆Date: June 13 (Mon.), 17:00-18:30

◆Location: Center Bldg. 2, 4th floor, Omei Tenku Plaza

◆Organizer: Study Abroad Peer Advisors, International Student Exchange Division, International Affairs Department, Kyushu University

◆Speakers: Experienced students from North America, Asia, and Europe (Onsite and online)

Advance registration is required.



International Affairs Department, International Student Exchange Division, Kyushu University: